If you are looking to plan an event for students or for faculty and staff, here are some resources to get you headed in the right direction.
Check the public calendar first to see if there is anything else going on.
- Reservations
- Then, login to the intranet and check the RSS to see if there is something else happening
- Approval from Advisor and the Director of Student Activities if it's a student event or appropriate supervisor for all others
- Reserve a room in the RSS system
- Transportation
- Fill out the Moves and Setups Form
- Fill out the Media Services Request Form
- Reserve Parking (if needed)
- Planning
(Event Coordinator is the only person who can complete this step)
- Create a tentative outline for the event
- Check your budget and create a list of needed supplies
- Request petty cash at least three weeks in advance
- Schedule Photographer
- Schedule Food
- Schedule Entertainment (student choir, faculty group, etc.)
- Schedule Room
- Security
- Diagram set-up request for Physical Operations
- Van reservation
- Recruit volunteers
- Marketing
- Flyers around campus | Four weeks prior to need
- Social Media Ads | Two weeks prior to need
Request forms can be found here.
- Materials/Receipts/Breakdown
Purchase Supplies (At least 3 DAYS in advance)
- Keep track of all receipts
- Assign set-up and take-down crews
- Fill out evaluation
- “Thank You” notes
- Return to organization President upon completion