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Alumni Spotlight Jeff Stapleton (’10)

Alumni Spotlight Jeff Stapleton (’10)

A family of five posing outdoors on a dirt path, surrounded by trees.

Mr. Jeff Stapleton (’10) completed a Degree in Religion with a Concentration in Pastoral Ministry during his time at ETBU and later obtained a Master’s Degree in Web Design and Online Communication from the University of Florida.

Follow along below to hear Jeff’s story of his journey to ETBU and the path he has taken to follow his calling since then.

In 2004, I married my wife, Sarah, which now means I've been married longer than I haven't. Sarah is an integral part of my life, ministry, and personal journey. Together, we are raising three wonderful children: Colin, Carley, and Caroline.

My career in ministry has been diverse and rewarding. I've previously served as a Student Pastor at Crossroads Baptist Church in Marshall and an Associate Pastor at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Ennis, TX. Currently, I'm embracing a unique role on the Creative Arts team as a Graphic Designer at Gateway Church in Austin. I contribute to marketing efforts, video production, social media management, and broadcast mixing for Sunday services.

I feel very blessed. As a kid, I was always drawing, painting, and creating. I remember being in junior high and telling friends that my dream job would be to make art in a church context for a living. That really wasn't an option in the late 90s, but here I am today, living out that dream. I get to use my gifts and talents and merge them with my calling to make an impact on God's kingdom. I get to set the visual tone for an influential church in one of the most diverse and growing areas in the United States. More than anything, I get to use my craft to help people experience Jesus. What an honor!

My journey to college and experience during college was unconventional. At 12 years old, I felt God calling me to ministry during a preteen camp at Riverbend Baptist Encampment in Glen Rose, TX. Growing up in a smaller church, I was able to experience many different things in my years before coming to ETBU - everything from leading worship to working for a year as the church's janitor. Despite being active in the church, I had almost forgotten that calling. I had been supporting my wife through her college years without much direction. At 22 years old, Sarah and I sat down with a new couple and shared our stories. I'll never forget the moment they asked me one question that changed my direction in life, "So, what did you ever do about that calling?"

We had some friends who had attended ETBU and had nothing but good things to say about it. Not long after that, Sarah and I booked a visit to the ETBU admissions office. Six months later, Sarah and I were moving into married housing and expecting our first child. Colin was born 4 weeks before the first day of class. My whole time at ETBU, I was a father and a husband. At 23 years old, I was a little older than most of my classmates, but many of those classmates have become lifelong friends.

The entire religion faculty profoundly shaped my character, and I am very fond of those men. If I had to choose one, Dr. Warren Johnson stands above as particularly influential. As a young, new father facing unique challenges, his compassion and understanding were invaluable. I vividly recall two instances that exemplify Dr. Johnson's character:

During my first semester, I had to miss class when our daycare called and needed me to pick up Colin because he was sick. After picking him up, I went to Dr. Johnson's office. He welcomed us in and held Colin while I took the exam, demonstrating remarkable empathy and support.

At an ETBU softball game on a beautiful spring day, Dr. Johnson, sitting behind me, offered to share his concession stand nachos—a simple yet meaningful gesture of fellowship.

Most importantly, Dr. Johnson's example showed me that one doesn't need the title of "Pastor" to shepherd others effectively. His life before entering ministry taught me that authentic spiritual leadership can take many forms.

It would be an understatement to say that my friends from ETBU are still a big part of my life. We have a pocket of ETBU friends and family in the Austin area that live close by and make up our closest friend group. My sister, Jenni (Stapleton) Darst ('10 &’12), and her husband, Tim Darst ('09) live just down the road. Josh Carter (’11 & ‘13) and his wife Lydia are also at our house at least once a week.

Some of my closest ministry friends are also ETBU Alumni. I have served in ministry with Jared Greer ('09) in many capacities. Early on, we came together for student ministry activities. Later, we spoke at each other's events. Most recently, I supported him with logos, photos, and videos as he launched his Overcoming Obstacles ministry.

My time at ETBU taught me so much. Sure, a religion degree doesn't have a lot to do with being a graphic designer, but it was a crucial part of my story, and I wouldn't be where I am today without ETBU. I took my studies seriously. I learned the dedication that it takes to perform well and lead well. I learned the disciplines and habits that lead to a life of faithfulness. I learned to say "yes" to God when doors open. I even had the opportunity to hone many of the photography and design skills I use today - as a sports photographer for the school during my years in Marshall.

When I think back to my time at ETBU, I think about how I was invested in, equipped for ministry, and sent out with confidence and support. Sure, I didn't have the typical "student life" experience, but I left with a different type of family I knew would be there whenever I needed them.