"When I started at ETBU, I considered going to medical school, but my father was a state trooper for many years so law enforcement was a natural choice for me. I have loved every minute of my career as a forensic scientist."
As an undergraduate student at ETBU, Melissa (Mohon) Haas thought she might go to medical school. Today, instead of helping the citizens of Texas through medicine, she does so through forensic science.
"When I started at ETBU, I considered going to medical school, but my father was a state trooper for many years so law enforcement was a natural choice for me. I have loved every minute of my career as a forensic scientist."
Melissa serves as a Laboratory Section Supervisor III for the DNA Section of the Texas Department of Public Safety Crime Laboratory. In her role, she manages individuals who process criminal cases for DNA analysis.
"I have been very fortunate to be able to advance my career and move into a management position," Melissa said. "I find my job to be very fulfilling and rewarding. I am honored to be able to help the people of Texas in a unique way."
Before her career as a forensic scientist, Melissa graduated from ETBU with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Biology and a minor in Chemistry in 2001. She was also a member of the ETBU Tiger Softball Team and was inducted into the Tiger Athletic Hall of Fame in 2012. Her husband, Nathan ('02) was a member of the Tiger Baseball Team.
"Being at ETBU just felt right," Melissa said. "My time on the Hill shaped me into the person that I am today, and I cherish every friendship I made during my time as a student. It was inspiring to learn from Dr. Cone and Dr. Darville, and I could not be more grateful for their influence on my life."
Melissa and Nathan live in Forney with their two daughters.