The University Motto, “May the Light on the Hill Never Die” inspires our campus community as it did when it was first adopted. The Light on the Hill is a symbolic reminder that the ETBU Family is commissioned to be the “Light of the world,” as Jesus taught in Matthew 5:14-16. Since 1912, ETBU students have been shining the light of Christ and standing boldly for God’s truths.
We invite you to unite with ETBU as prayer partners and sustaining donors who will intercede for us and provide needed scholarship support to students who are called to be educated and equipped at East Texas Baptist University. Will you Light the Way for current Tiger students to prepare for God’s calling? The Light the Way :ETBU Student Scholarship Initiative will provide dedicated Christian servant leaders, academic achievers, and aspiring students with demonstrated financial need the opportunity to receive a transformative Christ-centered education at ETBU. Through this initiative, you can partner with East Texas Baptist University by investing in the Christian Leadership Scholarship, Academic Scholarship, or Need-Based Scholarship programs. Your investment will Light the Way forward for ETBU Tiger students to experience and earn a Christian college education rooted in the truths of God.
Scholarship Opportunities
- Academic Scholarships
In order to recruit and attract Christian student scholars with exceptional academic promise, ETBU offers merit-based scholarships to students who demonstrate sustained accomplishment in the classroom and the potential for continued learning success. Incoming students who have established a record of academic achievement are offered Academic Scholarship support. Academic Scholarships reward students for their educational commitment and serve as a source of encouragement in their intellectual development and throughout their educational journey. ETBU’s devoted Christian faculty engage the minds of this college generation and enlighten these exceptional students during their academic pursuits, while ensuring they are expertly prepared for Kingdom service.
- Christian Leadership Scholarship
In the classroom, on the athletic field, in community service, and through intentional discipleship, ETBU faculty and staff endeavor to shape and strengthen Tiger students in their relationship with Christ during their time at East Texas Baptist University. Neighborhoods in our nation and communities around the globe desperately need young men and women equipped with a Biblical worldview to navigate the issues of our time and confront the challenges of the future. By empowering Christian servant leaders, we are calling our ETBU students not to be conformed to the culture of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of their minds, so that they may be ready to proclaim their faith in Jesus and provide His Light in spiritual darkness through their witness and their work.
The Christian Leadership Scholarship enables ETBU to recruit and attract outstanding young adults who are earnest in their desire to grow in their walk with Christ during their college years and eager to encourage others to do the same. Christian Leadership Scholarship support affirms students for their demonstrated spiritual leadership and enables ETBU Tiger students to continue to grow as Christian servant leaders during their study and service at ETBU. - Need-Based Scholarships
Need-Based Scholarship support offers an invaluable opportunity for current and future ETBU Tigers seeking a Christ-centered education despite financial challenges. Contributions of any size have a significant impact on the academic preparation and spiritual development of Christian servant leaders. Your gift will ensure a student’s financial situation does not hinder their ability to benefit from the Christian educational experience at ETBU. By investing in students who have considerable financial need, you will provide a broader diversity of future Kingdom leaders with access to an affordable pathway toward degree completion and their calling to serve the Lord through
East Texas Baptist University.
I'm ready to Light The Way...
$12,000 | Presidential Scholarship |
$10,000 | Vice President Scholarship |
$8,000 | Honor Scholarship |
$6,000 | Dean Scholarship |
$4,000 | Achievement Scholarship |
$2,500 | Christian Leadership Scholarship |
Any Amount | Need-Based Support |
Other Ways To Give
- Gift by Mail
Checks should be made payable to "ETBU" and designated for the "Light The Way Campaign." Checks should be sent to the following address:
University Advancement
East Texas Baptist University
One Tiger Drive
Marshall, Texas 75670