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About ETBU

Title IX/Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct (SIM) Policy

Policy Overview

East Texas Baptist University is committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory learning, living, and working environment for all members of the University community.

East Texas Baptist University does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of sex in any of its education or employment programs and activities, and it does not tolerate unlawful discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex. This Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct (SIM) policy prohibits: 1) sexual harassment as defined by Title IX (Title IX Sexual Harassment); and 2) certain other forms of sexual and interpersonal misconduct not covered by Title IX (e.g., certain types of sexual and gender-based harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, intimate partner violence, retaliation, and complicity (Non-Title IX Misconduct), collectively referred to in the SIM policy as Prohibited Conduct. These forms of Prohibited Conduct are harmful to the well-being of our community and its members, the learning and working environment, and collegial relationships among our students, faculty, and staff.

The University will comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in the University's programs and activities; and Title IX regulations issued in May 2020; the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), as amended by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA); Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Chapter 21 of the Texas Labor Code; Chapter 40, Section 819 of the Texas Administrative Code; pertinent provisions of the Texas Education Code, and other applicable law.

This policy sets forth the procedures that will be used to investigate and respond to reports of Prohibited Conduct. The University will respond to reports about Prohibited Conduct with measures designed to eliminate the conduct, prevent its recurrence, and remedy any adverse effects of the conduct on individuals, members of the campus community, or University-related programs or activities. In addition, the University may implement supportive measures that are designed to restore or preserve equal access to University programs and activities and protect individual and campus safety.

While East Texas Baptist University encourages students to abide by the University’s Sexuality and Gender Statement, the University recognizes that each student will make independent decisions about their own conduct. The University expects students to reflect Christ-like character, conducting themselves in a manner consistent with biblical principles.  


This policy governs the conduct of East Texas Baptist University students, regardless of enrollment status, faculty, staff, and third parties (i.e., non-members of the University community, such as vendors, alumni/ae, and visitors).

Third parties are both protected by and subject to certain provisions of this policy for allegations constituting Title IX Sexual Harassment. In such cases, a third party may report potential policy violations committed by a member of the University community, and the University will take appropriate steps to investigate and respond to the conduct consistent with the authority granted by the University's jurisdiction, if any, over the respondent. A third party who is accused of violating the SIM policy may be permanently barred from areas and/or activities controlled by the University or be subject to other restrictions for failing to comply with this policy, and may not be granted the full rights and processes afforded to the East Texas Baptist community members through the provisions of this policy.

Various procedures provided in this policy may be used to address Prohibited Conduct that occurs:

  • on campus or University property;
  • in the context of any University-related or sponsored education program or activity, regardless of the location (including travel, research, or internship programs);
  • by an ETBU student, regardless of location, under the Student Conduct Code;
  • by an ETBU employee, regardless of location;
  • through the use of University-owned or provided technology resources; or
  • when the conduct has a nexus to the University, such as continuing adverse effects or the creation or continuation of a hostile environment on campus.
Title IX Personnel Contact Information

Title IX Coordinator

Mrs. Tara Bachtel
Vice President for Human Resources
903.923.2119 |
Third floor, Marshall Hall

Title IX/SIM Team

Mrs. Desirae Bradley
Director of Residence Life
903.923.2321 |
Ornelas Student Center, Student Engagement Office

Mrs. Sara Braun
Vice President for Communication & Strategic Initiatives
903.923.2136 |
Marshall Hall, Fourth Floor

Dr. Scott Bryant
Vice President for Advancement
903.923.2069 |
Marshall Hall, Fourth floor

Dr. Jennifer Hoover
Assistant Professor
903.923.2087 |
Scarborough Hall, Third floor

Dr. Jeremy Johnston
Vice President for Enrollment
903.923.2010 |
Marshall Hall, Second floor

Dr. Bryan Mead
Director of Academic Success
903.923.2229 |
Marshall Hall, Academic Success Office

Mr. Larry Northcutt
Assistant Vice President for University Safety and Compliance
903.923.2117 |
Marshall Hall, Room 106

Mrs. Klaire Smith
Assistant Professor
903.923.2170 |
Scarborough Hall, Room 111