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Life on the Hill



Chapel is an important part of student engagement at ETBU and a required element for all undergraduate students (See the Chapel Credit Policy below). All the Chapel programs are designed to nurture our spirit as individuals and as members of the ETBU community. As followers of Christ, we recognize the privilege of gathering for corporate worship where we may express to God our dependence on Him; hear and respond to the Word of God; grow in our understanding of the Christian faith and offer our heartfelt praise. The discipline of regularly convening as a community strengthens our Christian walk both corporately and as individuals.

Chapel Information

Chapel programs are generally held each Monday and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. in the Rogers Spiritual Life Center. The programs provide a community experience for the campus family. Chapel programs not oriented toward structured worship contribute to the integration of faith and learning. Chapel, like any other required course and graduation requirement, is considered an essential part of each student’s education.

How does Chapel accommodate different worship styles?

Services display characteristics of contemporary evangelicalism, but they will also reflect the rich heritage of the church over the past two millennia. Chapel services also affirm the diversity within the body of Christ as is evident within our members and across the globe. Through our programs students discover much about the nature and challenges of global Christianity, including the vitality and character of churches in several regions of the world.

What about Sunday worship?

While ETBU sponsors Chapel services during the week, participation in Chapel should not replace attendance and involvement in a church. Students are strongly encouraged to find a local church where they can worship and contribute regularly.

How can I get the most out of Chapel?

  • Come with an open mind and heart.

  • Be respectful. Chapel services should be approached in a spirit of reverence. Bringing food or drink into the building; doing homework during the services; or talking while others are speaking/singing is disrespectful.

  • Out of Reverence for God, avoid disruptions!

  • Be a good host! ETBU often welcomes guest speakers that have never visited the campus. Participate appropriately so that our guest feel and sense our hospitality

  • Remember that while everyone may not connect with each chapel speaker, someone probably is engaged so please remain respectfully quiet so as not to disrupt.

For more information on requirements, procedures, etc. please stop by the Spiritual Life Office in the Rogers Spiritual Life Center or contact us at 903.923.2173.

Chapel Credit Policy

CHAPEL CREDIT REQUIREMENTS, Chapel is held on Monday and Wednesday, with some special programs on other days. Chapel provides community worship experiences for the campus family. The purpose of Chapel is to encourage a thoughtful passion for Jesus Christ, bringing students, faculty, and staff together in an atmosphere of inspiration and instruction. Programs not oriented toward worship contribute to the accomplishment of the University Mission, particularly in the area of the integration of faith and learning.

Chapel credit must be earned every semester a student is enrolled in 7 or more hours. Credit for Chapel is awarded on a credit / noncredit basis. Students must have their valid ETBU Student I.D. with them during Chapel in order to scan their I.D. and receive credit for that day. Students who forget their I.D. may sign in immediately following Chapel in the Office of Spiritual Life and receive credit for that day. Please note: Students will only be allowed 3 sign-ins per semester.

Every student enrolled in 12 or more hours (full-time student) is required to attend 22 Chapel services per semester to receive credit for Chapel that semester. Responsibility for making sure the Chapel requirements have been met and duly recorded rests solely upon each student. Students arriving late for Chapel will not receive credit for that day's Chapel service. Regardless of the number of semesters of enrollment at East Texas Baptist University or the number of hours taken each semester, each student is required to earn at least one Chapel credit. Please note: Chapel attendances are not cumulative over multiple semesters.

Consideration is given to students with special circumstances related to the regular Chapel schedule, such as being enrolled in 7-11 hours, being enrolled in only Tuesday-Thursday and/or night classes, or being a Level 1-4 nursing student whose clinicals schedule conflicts with Chapel (as approved by the Dean of the Teague School of Nursing). Students in these circumstances can request a Chapel Reduction from the Office of Spiritual Life by completing a Chapel Reduction Form found here.

A form must be completed for a student to be granted a Chapel Reduction, these are not granted automatically. Students granted a Chapel reduction must attend or make up 10 Chapel services. Please note: students involved in clinical teaching are exempt from Chapel.

Name/Title Division Phone
Dr. David Griffin
Director, Spiritual Life
Director, Baptist Student Ministry (BSM)
Student Engagement 903.923.2178 Send Message View Bio