Ornelas Residential Center was built in 1996 and is a two-story, 191-bed apartment building for single female upperclassmen. Each apartment offers four private rooms with one three-bedroom apartment designed to accommodate mobility impaired students. Bedrooms include a built-in twin size bed, desk, chair, dresser and closet area. Apartment common spaces also include a fully furnished living room, bathroom and kitchen.
Ornelas Residence Life Staff put on a variety of events that engage the Ornelas ladies including arts and crafts night, movie nights, cookie decorating parties, etc. Ornelas Hall hosts the annual Glow Bowl – a campus-wide event held at Marshall’s local bowling alley.
- Hall Amenities
• Internet access
• Central lobby that includes a television and gathering space
• Private courtyards with social gathering space
• Laundry facilities - Contact Information
Lydia Little
Linebery Hall Resident Manager
903.927.2802 | llittle@etbu.edu