“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119: 105
Dr. Angela Anima-Korang has over a decade experience in higher education and student academic success. She has mentored several students in those years; she serves as the co-founder of MARP-U, an organization dedicated to student excellence and MeetMentors, an international students' mentoring organization. She is currently serving as Associate Professor of Communication and Director of the Master of Arts in Strategic Communication (MASC) program in the School of Communication and Performing Arts. Prior to joining the ETBU community, she served as Sustainability Specialist Research Assistant with the Sustainability Office of Southern Illinois University Carbondale, while earning her Masters in Public Health degree. Dr. Anima-Korang also holds a Master of Science in Mass Communication and a Doctor of Philosophy in Mass Communication & Media Arts, from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and Southern Illinois University Carbondale, respectively. She also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the Catholic University College of Ghana. Dr. Anima-Korang’s research focuses on using communication strategies to improve health outcomes for underserved populations. She has published works in scholarly peer-reviewed journals. Her most recent collaborative book chapter (in review for: Handbook of Research on Contemporary Issues in Multicultural and Global Education, IGI Global), focuses on the multicultural and educational challenges in the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Dr. Angela Anima-Korang’s Christian faith and values have informed all aspects of her career and especially in her interactions with the students whom she serves.