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Types of Financial Aid: Gift Aid

There are two main types of Gift Aid: Scholarships and Grants. Scholarships and grants are free financial aid that do not have to be repaid.


Scholarships are usually merit-based, whereas grants are typically need-based. Find out more about Scholarships here.


ETBU awards different grants to students. To have your eligibility considered for any of the following grants you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Federal Pell Grant

The Federal Pell Grant is awarded to undergraduate students who have not previously received a bachelor's degree and who meet eligibility requirements as determined using criteria from the FAFSA. The Pell Grant will be included in your financial aid package if you qualify. Visit Federal Student Aid for more information about Federal Pell Grants.

Federal SEOG Grant

The purpose of the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is to provide grants to undergraduate students with exceptional need to help pay for their post-secondary education. Students who have earned a bachelor's or first professional degree are not eligible to receive a FSEOG to pursue an additional undergraduate degree. ETBU receives an annual allocation of funds for the Department of Education.

In determining the priority order in which students are awarded FSEOG funds in any given award year, the Financial Aid Office (FAO) will first consider those students with exceptional financial need - that is, those with the lowest Expected Family Contributions (EFCs) who will also receive Federal Pell Grants in that award year. Awards annually range from $100-$4000.

The FAO will not award a FSEOG to a student if the grant, when combined with all other resources, would exceed the student's need. If a student that has already been awarded a FSEOG later receives additional resources that cause his or her financial aid package to exceed their need, the amount in excess of the student's need is considered an over-award. As a result, need-based aid will be reduced to stay within the financial need.

Federal TEACH Grant

The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant is available to students who are pursuing a degree in education. The student must meet certain requirements upon graduation in order for this money to remain free and not become a loan. The student must agree to serve as a teacher:

  • In a high need field
  • At an educational institution that serves students from low-income families
  • For a minimum of 4 academic years within 8 years of completing your course of study.
    For more specific information related to TEACH Grant requirements, visit Federal Student Aid.
Texas Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG)

The Texas Tuition Equalization Grant is available to students who demonstrate financial need at not-for-profit colleges and universities in Texas. To qualify for this state grant, students must:

  • Be classified by the institution as a Texas Resident
  • Be registered with Selective Service
  • Show financial need
  • Be in satisfactory academic progress as determined by institution
  • Be enrolled at least 3/4 time
  • Meet the general requirements to receive financial aid
  • Be an undergraduate seeking a first bachelor's degree
  • Not a recipient of an athletic scholarship during any semester TEG is awarded

For more information regarding the Texas Tuition Equalization Grant, visit College for all Texans.