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About ETBU

Academic Governance


Academic decisions at ETBU are made using a shared governance model. The faculty, under the leadership of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, has responsibility for developing, monitoring, changing, and eliminating academic programs. The faculty also has responsibility for developing policies that guide academics. The Board of Trustees has final authority over the development of new programs and majors as well as the elimination of them.

Faculty Meeting

The faculty as a whole meets regularly to consider and approve recommendations related to academics. The Faculty Meeting is chaired by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The meeting calendar can be downloaded below.

Academic Deans Council

The Academic Deans Council serves as the academic policy and curriculum committee for the University. It is composed of the deans of the schools, the Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs, the Assistant Provost, and the Dean of Academic Services and Institutional Research.

The Council meets at least once a month to administer routine business associated with the University's academic programs.  Each dean is responsible for communicating with the faculty of their school. Curricular proposals submitted to the Council require approval by the department and school before submission to the Council.

Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate serves as the elected representative and deliberative body of the faculty with particular responsibilities pertaining to academic policy and practices, administrative advice, discussion and deliberation, and reporting.

The Faculty Senate is composed of one Senator from each academic unit (department and the library) elected by his or her peers in that unit and represents the faculty on each of the University's standing committees.

Academic Structure

Academics at ETBU are organized in seven schools, ten departments, and nine academic service units. The schools include the Fred Hale School of Business, the School of Christian Studies and Humanities, the School of Communication and the Performing Arts, the School of Education, the School of Natural and Social Sciences, the Teague School of Nursing, and the Frank S. Groner School of Professional Studies.

The academic service units include the Office of Academic Success, Adult & Graduate Services, Institutional Technology, Online Education, Media Services, Global Education, the Library, the Registrar, and the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness.