This office is responsible for planning, organizing, developing, and enabling the spiritual growth and health of the campus community. While the School of Christian Studies provides the curricula for the teaching of Biblical and theological material, Spiritual Life provides opportunities to put those teachings into practice.
East Texas Baptist University has established a reputation over the years as a school with an environment where the spiritual dimension is a priority. This is reflected from the trustees, the administration and staff, the faculty and the student body. It is a rare thing to find a place where your mind is challenged to do creative thinking, where your soul is nourished with opportunities for growth, and your spirit is allowed to celebrate the presence of God and the living expression of His Word.
- Church Relations
We are thankful for our partnership with the churches in our area and across the state as we work to advance the Kingdom of God. While our main task is educating young men and women we also work to support the work of the churches in our community.
- Church Day at ETBU
Church Day is a special tradition for East Texas Baptist University. It is a Chapel service held at the beginning of the Fall semester each year in which we introduce area churches to our students. ETBU encourages our students to connect with local churches during their time with us. For many of the students, this day will be a key factor as they make decisions about which area church to visit. That is why we encourage local church participation on this day. Tables are set up for all participating churches where they may place displays and interact with students.
Notifications are sent to all churches that participated in the last Church Day. If your church would like to be a part of the next Church Day, please contact us at 903.923.2173.
- Ministry Placement
East Texas Baptist University provides your church space on our website to post job openings. Access the service at http://www.collegecentral.com/etbu. For additional information or help with this service, contact the Office of Academic Success at 903.923.2076 or email lpapas@etbu.edu
- Contact Information
Dr. David Griffin, Director of Spiritual Life & Baptist Student Ministry
903.923.2178 | dgriffin@etbu.eduMailing Address:
Office of Spiritual Life
1 Tiger Dr.
Marshall, TX 75670Physical Location:
East Texas Baptist University Rogers Spiritual Life Center