Dr. Ray is the Interim Dean for the Fred Hale School of Business, one of the largest academic schools at the university. He has extensive experience in leadership, management, and teaching across a wide spectrum of professions. Dr. Ray believes formal education augmented with personal experience enables one to provide a better understanding of the complexities students will encounter in the business environment.
Dr. Ray worked for A.T.&T. for 27 years. The last assignment before retiring was oversight of the corporate training center, a Corporate University. Immediately after retiring Dr. Ray formed the SR & Associates Consulting Group with emphasis on helping companies develop corporate training centers and manage change. Major clients included U.S. Steel (developing a training center at a local plant) and General Physics (developing the strategic plan for entering the telecommunications industry in the U.S.).
Dr. Ray worked at LeTourneau University for 10 years in several different roles: Assistant V.P. for Advancement, Associate Professor, and Associate V.P. for Adult Education. He left LETU in 2011 to become the Dean of the School of Business at East Texas Baptist University until retiring in 2016. Since 2016 Dr. Ray has formed and continues to operate two LLC companies, raises Angus cattle on his ranch, and lives with his wife and family in Gilmer, Texas.