"God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in trouble. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, Be still, and know that I am God..." Psalm 46:1,4,10, NIV
Dr. Patrick Antinone serves as Assistant Professor of Music and the Director of Choral Activities at East Texas Baptist University. Dr. Antinone comes to East Texas Baptist University with 32 years of experience in Music Education. His higher education teaching experience includes positions at Southeastern Oklahoma State, University of Texas at Arlington, Texas Christian University, and Texas Tech University. Previously, he served Texas public schools for 26 years as a junior high and high school choir director and fine arts administrator in the greater Dallas and Ft. Worth area. Dr. Antinone holds a BME from Baylor University, an MA in Music Education from Texas Woman’s University, and a Ph.D. in Fine Arts and Music Education from Texas Tech. He studied music education and research with Dr. Janice Killian, vocal technique with Joan Wall, Lanelle Blanton, and Richard Robinson, and choral techniques with Dr. Hugh Sanders.
Choirs under Dr. Antinone’s direction have received invitations to perform at the state and international levels with performances at TMEA, TCQAE, and TASB/TSBE as well as the Beijing Olympic Music Festival and Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, Italy.
An active teacher, clinician, adjudicator, and scholar, Dr. Antinone is passionate about passing on the choral art to the next generation.