"And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God." Phil. 1:9-11
Dr. Jennifer Mobley, a Professor of Psychology in the Department of Behavioral Sciences in the School of Natural and Social Sciences, began her journey of exploring human behavior on the mission field with her parents as she engaged in cultural exchanges. When she entered college at Ouachita Baptist University, the Lord led her to study psychology, biology, and Biblical studies in order to better understand how to love and serve people as an outgrowth of the two Great Commandments. As a senior, she slowly came to the realization that God was calling her to teach, and so after graduating with a BA in psychology, she proceeded to pursue a doctorate at the University of Tennessee in Experimental Psychology. Dr. Mobley has taught in some capacity since 2004 and has been teaching full time since 2010, teaching a number of classes from Introduction to Psychology to Research Methods to Social Psychology. She began serving at ETBU in 2017 after working at HPU, and her research has been focused on prank behavior, although she also explores gender, communication, and dating relationships. She is a published author and typically presents her research at annual conferences such as SWPA where she is a member and reviewer. Dr. Mobley has also served as an advisor for Psi Chi, the international honor society for psychology, from 2012 to the present. When she is not having way too much fun in the classroom, she enjoys reading, playing guitar, martial arts, traveling, movies, studying the Bible, and hanging out with her sweet husband and fur babies.