OnCampus™ ACT Test scores are valid only at East Texas Baptist University
Sign Up: To set up an OnCampus™ ACT test please contact testing@etbu.edu.
Time: Check-in begins thirty (30) minutes before exam time • NO ONE IS ADMITTED AFTER THE TEST BEGINS. Unless notified otherwise, residual testing is in the ACE lab in Jarrett Library on the campus of ETBU.
Note: Students must wait 60 days to re-take the OnCampus™ ACT. Cost of the test is $75. You may pay using your credit card on this form.
What should I bring to the test?
Two #2 pencils, pre-payment, valid photo identification and calculator. You may use a four-function, scientific, or graphing calculator.
Prohibited calculators include all calculators in all of the following series:
- Texas Instruments: All models numbers that begin with TI-89 or TI-92
- Hewlett-Packard: hp 48GII and all model numbers that begin with hp 40G or hp 40G, hp 49G or 50G
- Casio: Algebra fx 2.0, ClassPad, and all model numbers that begin with CFX-9970G
- Calculators with built-in computer algebra systems
- Pocket organizers
- Handheld or laptop computers
- Electronic writing pads or pen-input devices --The Sharp EL 9600 is permitted.
- Calculators built into cellular phones or other electronic communication devices.
- Calculators with a typewriter keypad (keys in QWERTY format)--Calculators with letter keys not in QWERTY format are permitted.
For a complete description of prohibited features and calculators, visit www.actstudent.org or call 800-498-6481 for a recorded message.
Payment: $75.00
Restrictions: Students must wait 60 days before re-taking the ACT OnCampus™ test. When this retest restriction is violated, the retest score will be canceled automatically and money will not be refunded.
Identification Requirements
CURRENT (NOT-EXPIRED) OFFICIAL PHOTO IDENTIFICATION: Must be issued by your school, employer or city/state/federal government. ID must include both the student’s name and recent photograph i.e., photo-bearing driver’s license, photo-bearing passport, photo-bearing military identification card, photo-bearing school or employment identification card, high-school yearbook (within the last two years), letter from high school on high school letterhead describing the student, signed by an official representative, and signed by the student. Identification letter must include a full physical description (age, gender, height, weight, race, hair and eye color) or a recent recognizable photograph with a school seal or school official’s signature across a portion of the photo. Letters must be printed on original letterhead with visible watermark, or embossed with a raised or inked school seal. Student and school official must sign letter in ink – student will re-sign letter during check-in and letters will be collected by testing staff.
IDENTIFICATION NOT ACCEPTABLE: Social Security card, birth certificate, driver’s permit without an official photo, or web page with photo.
Important Information
- Approved calculators may be used during the Mathematics Test but they must be turned off and put away when you are not working on that test.
- You are not permitted to use or access the following items at any time, including during the break:
- Textbooks, foreign language or other dictionaries, scratch paper, notes or other aids.
- Highlight pens, colored pens or pencils, correction fluid/tape.
- Communication devices (including cell phones)
- Computers (including handhelds)
- Recording devices (including cameras, scanners, tape recorders)
- Media devices (including games, music video, headphones, players)
- Reading material (including books, magazines)
- Mechanical pencils
- Tobacco in any form
- Timers, or any other electronic devices
- You can obtain information about the ACT-OnCampus™ test by visiting the Office of Academic Success in Suite 301 of Marshall Hall or by calling 903.923.2076.
- Food, gum, candy, or drink (including water) is not permitted in the testing room.
Test Duration and Test Scoring Information
- Plan to be at the test center for about 3 hours
- The ACT Residual test scores should be available within two business days. ACT OnCampus™ test scores are valid only at ETBU. No additional reports will be generated to report scores to any other institution. To receive your scores, please contact Admissions at 903-923-2229.