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Master of Education (M.Ed.)

The Master of Education is a program designed to develop educational leaders within a Christian framework. The program can be completed in 12-24 months online. Students in this program will take courses in Spring, Summer, and Fall terms. Some courses are online, while the rest are in an online synchronous format, where students have the option to attend via Zoom or on-campus.

The Teacher Certification, Post-Secondary English or History Specialization, Educational Leadership, and School Counseling specializations prepare educators for certification in Texas through a fully TEA-accredited program.


This specialization enables graduate students to earn one certification in various levels, including EC-6, 4-8, or 7-12. It is a 30-hour Master’s in Education that can be completed in 12-18 months. In addition, these students will learn classroom management strategies, curriculum development, implementation, and assessment, as well as the educational theories upon which these strategies are based. All coursework is online. At the conclusion of the coursework, students have the option of clinical teaching or paid internships in a face-to-face format.

**Students in this program must be admitted to the graduate program and the School of Education. Deadlines for admission are April 15 for summer, July 15 for fall, and October 15 for spring.



This is a 36-hour degree and is designed to support students with graduate coursework in Teacher Education as they pursue state certification and credentials to teach dual-credit courses in one of two fields: English or History.

**Students in this program must be admitted to the graduate program and the School of Education. Deadlines for admission are April 15 for summer, July 15 for fall, and October 15 for spring.



This specialization will enable graduate students to take the principal certification exams and prepare to serve as a school administrator. It is a 30-hour Master’s in Education and can be completed in 12 months.

Students who already have a master’s degree and would like principal certification can enroll to take only the 18 hours* needed to take the examination. This specialization includes online courses and practicum experience.

*Students who did not have a course in Texas school law in their master’s program will need to take EDUC 5387 Texas School Law in addition to the 18 hours.

**Students in this program must be admitted to the graduate program and the School of Education. Deadlines for admission are April 15 for summer, July 15 for fall, and October 15 for spring.



Graduate students pursuing the curriculum and instruction specialization will study curriculum development, assessment, and evaluation. Students pursuing this track will also develop skills needed to take leadership roles helping other teachers develop curriculum to better meet the needs of the students in their school. The curriculum will provide students information on current legal rulings and issues but will also expand their knowledge in theoretical thinking and current research in the field. This 30-hour master’s degree can be completed in 12 months completely online. 



Graduate students pursuing the sports leadership specialization will be prepared for leadership roles in sports-related fields. Courses will cover important concepts of education, such as equity and diversity, and important aspects of sports management and coaching. This 30-hour master’s degree can be completed in 12 months completely online. 



Graduate students can earn a Master of Education in the fields of English, Math, or History. These degree programs include 12 hours of education courses and 18 hours of content specialization.

English and History can be completed online within 12 months, and Math can be completed in 24 months. Students pursuing these 18-hour specializations will be prepared to teach college-level courses. 



ETBU also offers an M.Ed. in School CounselingStudents who already have a 48-hour master’s degree in counseling and would like school counseling certification can enroll to take only the 12-15 hours needed to take the examination. This specialization includes online courses and practicum experience.

**Graduate students in this program must be admitted to the graduate program and the School of Education.



Cost | Admission Requirements | Transfer of Credit

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Exit Policy

Reasons a candidate will be withdrawn from the ETBU educator preparation program (EPP) are as follows: 

  • A candidate who chooses to withdraw from the EPP must notify the certification officer by stating their intentions by written letter or ETBU Tigermail. A copy of the notification will be placed in the candidate’s department file. 
  • If a candidate chooses to enroll in a different EPP, the receiving program will need to request a TEA Candidate Transform Form to be completed by the ETBU certification officer. At that time, the certification officer will be required to inform the receiving program if the candidate was in good standing. 
  • If a candidate is not meeting the requirements of the EPP (e.g., disciplinary reasons and/or academics), the candidate will begin the Departmental Student/Candidate Review Process. Upon completion of the process, the EPP will determine whether the candidate will be required to withdraw or continue in the program. 
  • If a candidate is inactive and fails to communicate with EPP and/or advisor for one semester, the candidate will not be able to return to the EPP and TEA will be notified. 
  • If a candidate is not successful in passing 50% of their required certification exams by the written deadline, they will be automatically withdrawn from the EPP. 


Course List

To see course descriptions, visit the Academic Catalog.

The courses that comprise the curriculum for the Master of Education degree were designed by the faculty of the School of Education to meet current United States Department of Education requirements as stated in the Higher Education Act, Texas Education Agency rules and regulations, Texas Standards, as well as area market demands. Students will take 12 credit hours of foundation courses and a minimum of 18 credit hours of courses specific to their chosen track.

Foundation Courses for the Teacher Certification, Curriculum and Instruction, and Sports Leadership Specializations– 12 hours
EDUC 5302 Educational Psychology and Learning Theory
EDUC 5312 Research Methods
EDUC 5334  Equity and Diversity in Education
EDUC 5387 Texas School Law OR EDUC 5350 Language Acquisition *
*International students in the Curriculum and Instruction and Sports Leadership Specialization will take EDUC 5350 instead of EDUC 5387.

Foundation Courses for the Master of Education with Post-Secondary English or History Specialization – 18 hours
EDUC 5329 Curriculum and Assessment
EDUC 5335 Academic Content and Pedagogy
EDUC 5336 Technology, Collaboration, and Communication
READ 5318 Reading in the Content Area
EDUC 5102 TExES Preparation**
**EDUC 5102 is required for teacher certification but does not count toward the required thirty-six hours for the Master of Education.

Six Hours Field Experience
One of the following three options is required:
EDUC 5328 Teacher Internship I
EDUC 5338 Teacher Internship II
EDUC 5327 Half-Day Clinical Teaching I
EDUC 5337 Half-Day Clinical Teaching II
EDUC 5607 Full-Day Clinical Teaching

Foundation Courses for the Educational Leadership Track – 12 hours
EDUC 5322 Curriculum Design, Assessment and Evaluation
EDUC 5312 Research Methods 
EDUC 5336 Technology, Collaboration and Communication
EDUC 5387 Texas School Law
Teacher Certification Track (only for students pursuing certification) – 18 hours
READ 5318 Reading in the Content Area
EDUC 5336 Technology, Collaboration and Communication
EDUC 5340 Studies in Effective Classroom Management and Instructional Strategies
EDUC 5102 TExES Preparation**
READ 5317 Developing Literacy Skills

Six Hours Field Experience
One of the following three options is required:
EDUC 5328 Teacher Internship I
EDUC 5338 Teacher Internship II
EDUC 5327 Half-Day Clinical Teaching I
EDUC 5337 Half-Day Clinical Teaching II
EDUC 5607 Full-Day Clinical Teaching

**EDUC 5102 is required for teacher certification but does not count toward the required thirty hours for the Master of Education.


Post-Secondary English Specialization (only for students pursuing Post-Secondary English) – 18 hours
ENGL 5304 Studies in British Literature
ENGL 5307 Literary Theory
ENGL 5313 Studies in American Literature
ENGL 5314 Usage and Style
ENGL 5319 Literary Genre
ENGL 5346 Teaching College Composition

Post-Secondary History Specialization (only for students pursuing Post-Secondary English) – 18 hours
HIST 5302 19th Century US
HIST 5303 20th Century US
HIST 5304 Historiography & Methods
HIST 5305 Colonial North America
HIST 5306 Transatlantic World
HIST 5307 Modern Europe

Curriculum and Instruction Track (only for students pursuing the Curriculum and Instruction Track) – 18 hours
EDUC 5322 Curriculum Design, Assessment and Evaluation
EDUC 5323 Adapting Curriculum for Diverse Learners
EDUC 5324 Curriculum Leadership
EDUC 5325 Academic Coaching
EDUC 5336 Technology, Collaboration and Communicatio
READ 5318 Reading in the Content Area

Sports Leadership Specialization (only for students pursuing the Sports Leadership Specialization) – 18 hours
EDUC 5315 Human Resources Leadership and Financial Management
EDUC 5316 Organizational Leadership and Community Relations
KINE 5301 Current Trends and Issues in Sports and Exercise Settings
KINE 5302 Sports Management and Marketing
KINE 5303 Coaching Behaviors and Sports Preparation
KINE5308 Sports and Exercise Leadership

Educational Leadership Track (only for students pursuing the Educational Leadership Track) – 18 hours
EDUC 5380 Strategic Operations
EDUC 5381 School Finance
EDUC 5382 Administration of Special Programs
EDUC 5384 The Principal
EDUC 5385 Practicum I
EDUC 5386 Practicum II
EDUC 5002 Principal Certification Test Preparation

Principal Certification Only (for those who already possess a master’s degree) – 18 hours*
EDUC 5312 Research Methods
EDUC 5381 School Finance
EDUC 5382 Administration of Special Programs
EDUC 5384 The Principal
EDUC 5385 Practicum I
EDUC 5386 Practicum II
EDUC 5002 Principal Certification Test Preparation

*Students who did not have a course in Texas school law in their master’s program will need to take EDUC 5387 Texas School Law in addition to the 18 hours listed above

Instruction for the Master of Education will consist of posting content area lectures, review of literature in the discipline, case studies, readings, group projects, and external links to support material; discussion boards; electronic submission of assignments; and communication tools for virtual real-time support. EDUC 5102 is designed to prepare students to pass the state teacher certification test.

Students in the Teacher Certification Track will complete a two-semester internship or one-semester all-day or two-semester half-day clinical teaching assignment in a regional P-12 partnership school. Each student will be assigned an individual mentor teacher during the internship/clinical teaching experience who will work with the intern/clinical teacher to deliver quality instruction and assess the intern/clinical teacher in the areas of instructional competency identified by state and national standards.

All Master of Education students will take a research methods course in which they learn and apply action research in education.  For students in the Educational Leadership Track, this course will provide specialized support for the required Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL).

Process for Certification

East Texas Baptist University’s Master of Education degree with a certification track allows a person with a bachelor’s degree or higher to complete the requirements for an educator certificate by completing a graduate course of study while meeting the requirements for teacher certification in the state of Texas. All certification requirements are subject to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) standards, rules, and regulations. TEA has the authority to suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue a teaching certificate to a person who has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor for a crime which directly relates to the duties and responsibilities of the teaching profession. All state agency and testing fees related to the attainment of certification in the state of Texas are the responsibility of the student.

Steps to Becoming a Texas Educator through East Texas Baptist University’s Master of Education program (Teacher Certification Track):
1. Meet the screening criteria for admission and gain approval to the program. All general and specific admission requirements for the Master of Education program (certification tracks) in line with the State Board of Educator Certification and the Texas Education Agency must be met along with approval from the ETBU Department of Teacher Education.
2. Develop a certification plan. After meeting the screening criteria and being accepted into the program, students will meet with a graduate advisor to discuss their goals as a teacher. The advisor will advise students of the specific coursework, student teaching or internship, and tests that must be completed.
3. Complete the clinical teaching requirement (Option 1). If this option is chosen, the advisor or a field experience supervisor will assist in finding an appropriate clinical teaching placement, and will guide students through this process. Students holding bachelor’s degrees may qualify for a one-year paid internship as part of a post-baccalaureate program. If you qualify for a paid internship, please proceed to step 4.
4. Obtain a teaching position and apply for an Intern Certificate (Option 2). If determined that students are eligible for a teaching internship based on progress and completion of any appropriate tests, an eligibility statement for employment purposes will be provided. Students will need to secure a teaching assignment at the grade level and in the subject area of their target certificates. Once a position has been secured, students will have an experienced, certified mentor assigned to work with them and additional supervision will be provided. If a teaching position has been secured for the internship, students will need to apply online for an Intern Certificate, valid for one calendar year to meet state certification rules for students and the school. Students will need to create an online account, apply, pay fees, and meet the requirements for a criminal background check. The ETBU Department of Teacher Education will need to make recommendation online for the appropriate certificate.
5. Register for and complete the appropriate examinations. Students must be authorized to register for examinations when they are at the appropriate point in the program. This will vary based on the type of program they are enrolled in. Persons in postbaccalaureate programs may be allowed to complete the content subject tests earlier than persons in an undergraduate program. Testing fees by the state and/or testing organization will apply.
6. Complete all requirements for a Standard Certificate. Students will need to complete all coursework, clinical teaching or internship, and examination requirements indicated on their certification plans.
7. Apply for the Standard Certificate. Upon completion of all requirements, students will need to apply online. When qualifications are met, the program will recommend you online for the Standard Certificate. A criminal background check will be conducted prior to issuance of any certificate. All first-time applicants for an initial credential must be fingerprinted as part of a national criminal background check. A fingerprinting fee, certification fees, and/or other fees will be charged by the state.
8. Become a certified teacher. When a student’s certificate is approved, it will be posted to the agency website. Students will be notified by email when your certificate is official.


The nature of graduate education is to foster an environment with the student as an active participant in the learning process as leader, researcher, and practitioner. As a result, more time is spent on the review of literature of the discipline with much of that reading being completed outside class. The activities of the course are more writing intensive, use case analysis, incorporate a reflective portfolio approach to authentic assessment, include an increased expectation of independent learning, and promote a search for outside resources to bring to class to inform discussion.

For students enrolled in summer seminar courses, knowledge is compacted and presented in an adult learning, accelerated format. It is necessary for much of the student work to be completed outside of the weekly seminar and class learning teams also meet in extended sessions to complete the course goals and objectives.

Students in both summer seminar and traditional semester courses will receive supplemental course instruction and faculty facilitation with online tools within Canvas.

For the Master of Education, there are 30 graduate credit hours required. Students will complete 12 foundation hours in education, and then the student’s selected track will require a minimum of 18 credit hours beyond the foundation courses. The teacher certification track requires an additional one credit hour course to prepare students to take the state teacher certification exams. This course will not count toward the master’s degree.

Students must complete all credit hours with a grade of “C” or higher and maintain at least a 2.75 grade point average. Students must complete all requirements for the degree within five years of starting the program.

Students may be dismissed from the program for the following reasons:
1. Failure to maintain at least a 2.75 grade point average.
2. Earning a grade of “D” or “F” in any one class.

Name/Title Division Phone
Dr. Jennifer Holling
Director, Master of Education Program
Assistant Professor of Education
School of Education 903-923-2274 Send Message View Bio