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EC-6 MAV PATH (B.S.E) Department of Teacher Education Online View
Elementary Education (EC-6) with 4-8 English, Language Arts, and Reading Specialization (B.S.E.) Department of Teacher Education Campus View
Elementary Education Major EC-6 (B.S.E.) Department of Teacher Education Campus View
Elementary Major with Religion Minor EC-6 (B.S.E.) Department of Teacher Education Campus View
English, Language Arts, Reading 4-8 (B.S.E.) Department of Teacher Education Campus View
Mathematics 4-8 (B.S.E.) Department of Teacher Education Campus View
Science 4-8 (B.S.E.) Department of Teacher Education Campus View
Social Studies 4-8 (B.S.E.) Department of Teacher Education Campus View
Master of Education (M.Ed.) Department of Teacher Education Online View
Master of Education in School Counseling (M.Ed.) Department of Teacher Education Hybrid View

Reading Exceptionalities

Completion of eighteen (18) semester hours: 

EDUC 3317 Behavior Intervention for Students with Special Needs

EDUC 3318 Differentiating the Curriculum for Diverse Learners

READ 3307 Language Arts Instruction for Exceptional Learners

READ 3364  Children's Literature for the Elementary School 

READ 4305 Reading Instruction for Exceptional Learners

READ 4351 Diagnostic Teaching of the Elementary Child