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Certificate in Ministry

With the founding of the College of Marshall in 1912, East Texas Baptist University remains rooted in its Baptist heritage and the call to Christian education for the people of Texas and beyond. Trailing in the footsteps of its forerunner from 1944 – 1984, East Texas Baptist College trained and equipped scores of students for service to the Church. Since then, ETBU continues to seek new ways to carry on this integral part of our Christ-centered mission. One of the pathways is through the Certificate of Ministry program.

With our heritage of ministry training and professional education, ETBU’s School of Christian Studies Certificate of Ministry program trains bi-vocational ministers, church ministers and staff, and lay-leaders by educating and equipping them to serve the Church through the Gospel ministry of Jesus Christ. Facilitating the development of academically-grounded and spiritually-minded disciples for Christ, the School of Christian Studies gives ministry leaders options in their quest to serve others. The School of Christian Studies offers the perfect opportunity to pursue alternate ministry-training programs.

ETBU’s Certificate of Ministry, an eighteen (18)-semester hour program, is designed for anyone who is seeking entry-level preparation for ministry service. The program is available in two locations: Marshall and Tyler.

Our vision is for students to gain a deeper knowledge of the Christian faith and an increased effectiveness in ministering to others. Whether you desire to study the Bible more, feel called to serve the local church in any capacity, or want to pursue your faith more deeply, we want to serve you with a comprehensive ministry training program that is tailored to your calling and desires.

Purpose Statement

The purpose of the Certificate in Ministry program is to provide a foundational, theological education that is geographically and financially accessible to every person in East Texas with the purpose of transforming communities through the strengthening of local churches.


Anyone is eligible for this program of study. There are no previous educational requirements.

Can course credits apply toward a college degree at ETBU?

People who desire to continue their study beyond the Certificate in Ministry program at ETBU must apply for regular admission and meet all admission requirements. All courses taken in this program are for academic credit (one academic hour credit for each course) and may be applied to a baccalaureate degree.

Who will benefit from this program?

Those enrolled in the Certificate of Ministry program generally fall into two categories:

  1. Those who have experienced a call to ministry, are employed full-time at a secular job, and desire to provide ministerial leadership to a church organization
  2. Those who are involved in various roles of lay leadership and ministry in a local church and who desire to further their knowledge in specific areas of the Bible and ministry

ETBU’s Certificate in Ministry program students may include:

  • Lay-ministers
  • Missionaries
  • Ministry staff
  • Church leaders
  • Deacons
  • Bible study teachers
  • Church volunteers of all varieties
  • Children’s and student ministers

Students interested in the Certificate in Ministry program must apply to ETBU. Returning students do not need to resubmit an application. All students must fill out a registration form to enroll in classes.

Instructor Forms for CIM

Course Requirements

Completion of four (4) semester hours from the following list:

  • MINS 1120 Christian Doctrine I
  • MINS 1130 Christian Doctrine II
  • MINS 1125 Christian Formation
  • MINS 1131 Introduction to Christian History

Completion of fourteen (14) hours from the following list

  • MINS 1111 Old Testament 1: The Pentateuch
  • MINS 1112 Old Testament 2: The Conquest to the Exile
  • MINS 1113 Old Testament 3: The Exile to the Intertestamental Period
  • MINS 1114 The Inter-biblical Period and the Gospels
  • MINS 1115 Acts and the Pauline Epistles
  • MINS 1116 The General Epistles and Revelation
  • MINS 1118 Christian Witness
  • MINS 1119 The Work of the Minister
  • MINS 1121 The Interpretation of the Bible for Preaching and Teaching
  • MINS 1122 The Preparation of Sermons and Bible Studies
  • MINS 1126 Introduction to Missions
  • MINS 1127 Leadership Among Ministry Volunteers
  • MINS 1135 Worship Media Technology
  • MINS 1133 Ministry of the Deacon
  • MINS 1137 Leading Change
  • MINS 1134 Pastoral Coaching
  • MINS 1128 Church Administration
CIM Course Rotation
Fall Semester 2024 (Marshall) Spring Semester 2025 (Marshall)
MINS 1111, The Pentateuch MINS 1125, Christian Formation
MINS 1112, The Conquest to the Exile MINS 1119, The Work of the Minister
MINS 1113, The Exile to the Intertestamental Period MINS 1122, The Preparation of  Sermons and Bible Studies 
Fall Semester 2024 (Tyler) Spring Semester 2025 (Tyler)
MINS 1131, Introduction to Christian History MINS 1134, Pastoral Coaching
MINS 1120, Christian Doctrine I MINS 1127, Leadership Among Ministry Volunteers
MINS 1130, Christian Doctrine II MINS 1128, Church Administration
Fall Semester 2025 (Marshall) Spring Semester 2026 (Marshall)
MINS 1131, Introduction to Christian History MINS 1134, Pastoral Coaching
MINS 1120, Christian Doctrine I MINS 1127, Leadership Among Ministry Volunteers
MINS 1130, Christian Doctrine II MINS 1128, Church Administration
Fall Semester 2025 (Tyler) Spring Semester 2026 (Tyler)
MINS 1114, The Interbiblical Period and the Gospels MINS 1118, Christian Witness
MINS 1115, Acts and the Pauline Epistles MINS 1121, Interpretation-Bible for Preaching & Teaching
MINS 1116, The General Epistles and Revelation MINS 1126, Introduction to Missions
Fall Semester 2026 (Marshall) Spring Semester 2027 (Marshall)
MINS 1114, The Interbiblical Period and the Gospels MINS 1134, Pastoral Coaching
MINS 1120, Christian Doctrine I MINS 1127, Leadership Among Ministry Volunteers
MINS 1130, Christian Doctrine II MINS 1128, Church Administration
Fall Semester 2026 (Tyler) Spring Semester 2027 (Tyler)
MINS 1111, The Pentateuch MINS 1125, Christian Formation
MINS 1112, The Conquest to the Exile MINS 1119, The Work of the Minister
MINS 1113, The Exile to the Intertestamental Period MINS 1122, The Preparation of Sermons and Bible Studies


Site Coordinator Contact Information

For more information about the Certificate in Ministry program, please contact the site coordinator.

Dr. David Griffin
Marshall Site Coordinator

Dr. Danny Pickens  
Tyler Site Coordinator  

CIM Contacts





Administration & Finance

Kathy Bland


Bookstore - textbooks



Business Office

Nolan Bradley


Disability Accommodations

Leska Papas


Financial Aid

Alicia Earle



Elizabeth Ponder



Karson Kent


School of Christian Studies

Dr. Sandy Hoover


Administrative Secretary

Kelen H. Schmidt
