The Co-Vocational Christian Ministry-Business major is a four-year program designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of the principles of ministry and current business practices rooted in a biblical and Christian worldview, thus preparing students to operate as effective ministers and business leaders.
The faculty of the Department of Christian Ministry welcomes students into a community of learning, rigorous scholarship, academic freedom, ministry, and service. As a part of the historic and long-standing service to the foundation curriculum of East Texas Baptist University, the faculty seeks to lead students to a mature understanding of the Bible and the development of a Christian worldview. Through teaching, mentoring, and advising, students will be given the opportunity to gain a basic knowledge of God’s word, to reflect upon its theology, and to apply it personally and professionally.
Committed to equipping students who are preparing for vocational or dual-vocational ministries, the Christian ministry faculty seeks to encourage and challenge—both spiritually and academically—those students who have responded to the divine call into Christian ministry; to prepare students for additional graduate studies; and to equip students to serve as pastors, youth ministers, education ministers, missionaries, professors, and other positions of Christian leadership. Students will be given the opportunity to develop their skills in biblical interpretation, display analytical and reflective thought, and integrate a Christian worldview into their life and ministry.
The general education courses serve to build a solid foundation for educational transformation and are meant to assist students in the exploration and integration of knowledge complementary to their chosen major. In addition, the broad educational curriculum attempts to create a stability and coherency in intellectual experience. By completing courses in a broad-based liberal arts education, students are better equipped to view their studies in the field of Christian ministry in a more comprehensive academic context, thus helping to ensure that students will be well-educated, successful, and valuable participants in the rapidly changing global community.
As Christian ministry majors, students will have intentional experiences focusing upon the development of identity and Christian servant leadership. Students will participate in such activities as monthly faculty mentoring, monthly meetings with other majors and the Christian ministry faculty, community projects, and learning the principles of Christian servant leadership. These experiences will help provide an environment that will encourage students to mature and present an avenue through which an integration of faith, learning, and service may be expressed.
As part of the process of providing students a high-quality education, a sense of ethics, and a responsible spiritual and social consciousness, the Christian Ministry Department Academic Honor Code was formed. As a requirement for continued admission, all Christian ministry majors will affirm their commitment, by their signature, to abide by the following code:
Having read the Christian Ministry Department Academic Honor Code, I pledge to keep it, avoiding all academic dishonesty and conducting myself in ways that honor God. I will be respectful of others; I will maintain a high level of personal integrity, moral purity, and honor; I will take seriously my academic commitment to God and to those who support me financially and emotionally; and I will seek excellence and professionalism in everything I do.
The complete Christian Ministry Department Academic Honor Code, including descriptions of responsibilities and procedures regarding those who fail to uphold the code, can be found here or downloaded here.
- A student must complete all Department of Christian Ministry general education courses with a “C” or higher for each course.
- A full-time student must receive credit for CHRM 1000 for each semester that he/she is a Christian ministry major (maximum of eight semesters).
- A student must successfully complete CHRM 4350.
- A student must maintain a cumulative 2.25 grade point average (i.e., GPA).
- A student must have a 2.50 GPA for all coursework within the Department of Christian Ministry.
- If a student falls below the levels listed in numbers 5 and 6, he/she must retake courses to raise his/her GPA.
- No student may graduate with a major in Christian Ministry with less than a 2.50 GPA in his/her major courses.
The mission of the Department of Christian Ministry is to equip students to be life-long learners of the Bible, models of growing disciples of Jesus Christ, servant leaders, and agents of God’s transformative work among churches and the world.
- To provide an effective learning experience.
- To prepare Christian ministry graduates for ministry by equipping them to be effective ministers in diverse Christian ministries such as pastoral ministry, youth ministry, education ministry, children's ministry, missions, and other positions of Christian leadership.
- To equip graduates to become Christian servant leaders who are community ministry-minded, knowledgeable, and critically engaged citizens of the global community.
- To promote a mature understanding of the Bible and the development of the global community.
- To equip graduates with the necessary skills to share The Gospel
1. Students will (a) construct a biblical approach to ministry and (b) design a personal philosophy of ministry grounded in Scripture and tailored to his or her calling, personality, and gifting.
2. Students will demonstrate skills in Christian ministry such as (a) leading devotions on biblical concepts and passages and (b) planning worship services.
3. Students will demonstrate the ability to prepare Bible studies or sermons
4. Students will (a) demonstrate knowledge of the seven pillars of leadership, and/or (b) evaluate models of Christian leadership, and/or (c) demonstrate the ability to apply the principles of Christian servant leadership to ministry situations.
5. Students will apply key principles and strategies used in contemporary global missions.
6. Students will demonstrate skills in using the various methodologies of biblical interpretation in analysis of selected biblical texts.
7. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the significance of major doctrinal themes of the Christian faith, their biblical foundations, and their historical and contemporary expressions.
8. Students will identify and explain the basic contributions to moral philosophy and Christian ethics of key figures of the Western tradition.
9. Students will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of evangelistic methods used worldwide.
10. Students will defend the biblical and theological basis for evangelism and display proficiency in sharing the gospel in a variety of contexts.
General Education Requirements - 50 hours
English 1301, 1302, and three hours sophomore literature - 9 hours
Fine Arts (three hours from music, theatre, fine arts, art, or equivalent) - 3 hours
Modern Language (at least one semester second year, all hours in same language) - 11 hours
Christian Ministry 1320 and 1330 - 6 hours
History - 3 hours
Political Science 2305 - 3 hours
Social Science (PSYC 2301 or SOCI 1301) - 3 hours
Physical Activity - KINE 1238 - 2 hours
Science (must be lab science) - 4 hours
Mathematics - 3 hours
Communications 1311, 1315, or 1318 - 3 hours
Major area of study (see below) - 49 hours
Electives (to total 120 hours)
Total: Minimum one hundred twenty (120) semester hours
Christian Ministry and Business Major Requirements:
Completion of forty-nine (49) semester hours, with or without a minor:
Christian Ministry: twenty-five (25) semester hours:
CHRM 1340 Calling and Practice of Ministry
CHRM 2201 Research and Writing for Ministry
CHRM 2314 Principles of Christian Teaching
CHRM 2340 Ministry Formations
CHRM 3311 Biblical Exegesis
CHRM 3342 Evangelism
CHRM 3352 Christian Ethics
CHRM 4260 Christian Ministry Capstone
CHRM 4303 Christian Servant Leadership
Business: Twenty-One (24) semester hours:
ACCT 4338 Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting
BUAD 3368 Business Communication
MGMT 2350 Principles of Management
MGMT 3353 Human Resource Management
MGMT 4353 Organizational Leadership
MGMT 4355 Conflict Resolution and Negotiation
MKTG 2324 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 3353 Digital Marketing