The MBA program is a 33-credit hour program delivered over three semesters – fall, spring, and summer - and can be completed in twelve months. Students may enter the program in the fall or spring semester. This program has 3 options from which to choose. The first option is the traditional MBA, which consists of 11 courses in the areas of accounting, management, finance, and economics. The Accounting specialization is designed for students who wish to continue in their preparation for the CPA credential. The Entrepreneurship Specialization allows flexibility for students who desire master's level coursework tailored to their own entrepreneurial goals. This specialization offers three one-hour courses in which students will create a comprehensive small business plan.
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To see course descriptions, visit the Academic Catalog.
Fall Flex 1
ACCT 5307 Financial Accounting (Fall Entry)
MGMT 5306 Strategic Human Resource Management (Fall Entry)
MGMT 5312 Labor Relations (Spring Entry)
FINA 5301 Corporate Finance (Spring Entry)
Fall Flex 2
ECON 5301 Managerial Economics
MGMT 5315 Management of Social Media
Spring Flex 1
ACCT 5307 Financial Accounting (Spring Entry)
MGMT 5306 Strategic Human Resource Management (Spring Entry)
MGMT 5312 Labor Relations (Fall Entry)
FINA 5301 Corporate Finance (Fall Entry)
Spring Flex 2
MKTG 5301 Strategic Marketing
MGMT 5307 Organizational Function in Human Resources
Summer Flex 1
MGMT 5313 Project Management
MGMT 5311 Information Systems Management
Summer Flex 2
MGMT 5308 Production and Operations Management (Capstone)
To see course descriptions, visit the Academic Catalog.
Fall Flex 1
ACCT 5307 Financial Accounting (Fall Entry)
MGMT 5306 Strategic Human Resource Management (Fall Entry)
ACCT 5303 Auditing (Spring Entry)
FINA 5301 Corporate Finance (Spring Entry)
Fall Flex 2
ECON 5301 Managerial Economics
ACCT 5302 Corporate Taxation and Research
Spring Flex 1
ACCT 5307 Financial Accounting (Spring Entry)
MGMT 5306 Strategic Human Resource Management (Spring Entry)
ACCT 5303 Auditing (Fall Entry)
FINA 5301 Corporate Finance (Fall Entry)
Spring Flex 2
MKTG 5301 Strategic Marketing
ACCT 5304 Accounting Ethics
Summer Flex 1
ACCT 5305 Advanced Accounting
Summer Flex 2
MGMT 5308 Production and Operations Management(Capstone)
ACCT 5308 Financial Statement Analysis
To see course descriptions, visit the Academic Catalog.
Fall Flex 1
ACCT 5307 Financial Accounting (Fall Entry)
MGMT 5306 Strategic Human Resource Management (Fall Entry)
MGMT 5312 Labor Relations (Spring Entry)
FINA 5301 Corporate Finance (Spring Entry)
Fall Flex 2
ECON 5301 Managerial Economics
MGMT 5315 Management of Social Media
Spring Flex 1
ACCT 5307 Financial Accounting (Spring Entry)
MGMT 5306 Strategic Human Resource Management (Spring Entry)
MGMT 5312 Labor Relations (Fall Entry)
FINA 5301 Corporate Finance (Fall Entry)
Spring Flex 2
MKTG 5301 Strategic Marketing
MGMT 5307 Organizational Function in Human Resources
ACCT 5101 Financial Plan for Entrepreneurship
Summer Flex 1
MGMT 5311 Information Systems Management
OR MGMT 5313 Project Management
MGMT 5101 Human Resource Plan for Entrepreneurship
MKTG 5101 Marketing Plan for Entrepreneurship
Summer Flex 2
MGMT 5308 Production and Operations Management(Capstone)
The MBA is a recognized and respected business credential that can come in many different forms. The ETBU MBA program has a required core of 18 hours, including accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing and production, and operations management. Then, students choose from the traditional MBA, the Accounting specialization, or the Entrepreneurship specialization of 12 hours from MGMT specialization courses plus three one-hour courses to develop a small business plan for a total of 33 hours.
For the MBA program, students will complete a total of 33 graduate credit hours with a grade of “C” or higher and maintain at least a 2.75 grade point average. Students must complete all requirements for the degree within five years of being granted full admission.
1. Students who fail to achieve full admission after the completion of two Flex Terms will be dismissed from the program.
2. Students who fail to maintain at least a 2.75 grade point average will be placed on probation and will have one semester to raise the grade point average. Following that semester, failure to regain at least a 2.75 grade point average will result in dismissal from the program.
3. Students who earn a grade of “D” or “F” in any one course may be dismissed from the program based on a recommendation from the Program Director and Dean.
1. Utilize data and business principles to perform managerial analysis.
2. Integrate business concepts and management techniques to plan and control organizations through changing environments.
3. Apply management best practices to successfully compete in a global environment.