An athletic trainer is a qualified allied health care professional, educated and experienced in the management of health care problems associated with an active lifestyle. In cooperation with physicians and other allied health care personnel, the athletic trainer functions as an integral member of the health care team in secondary schools, colleges and universities, professional sports programs, sports medicine clinics, and a variety of other settings.
ETBU's program prepares graduates, through a combination of formal classroom instruction and supervised clinical experiences, to assume entry-level positions in the athletic training profession and provides a foundation for advanced study in athletic training. The student must satisfactorily complete all academic requirements as well as the supervised practical experience hours. The ETBU Department of Kinesiology does not guarantee that each person admitted to the athletic training program will pass all elements of the program or that those graduated from the program will pass the state license exam. The attainment of these goals is dependent upon the degree to which the students diligently apply themselves to their studies.
- Forms for Admissions to Athletic Training Program
- Admission Requirements and Fees
All prospective athletic training students must meet the following criteria prior to being officially admitted into the program:
- Admission to East Texas Baptist University. Athletic Training should be indicated as the major on the application.
- Submission of Athletic Training Program application to Athletic Training Faculty. The application includes the following:
- Written essay that should reflect a sincere interest in athletic training as a profession.
- Proof of HBV or declination of such
- Signed Technical Standards Contract
- Signed First Responder Contract
- 150 hours of clinical observation
- Completion of an oral interview with the Athletic Training Faculty. This portion of the application is intended to identify those students who are dedicated to becoming athletic trainers and possess the technical standards necessary to become a successful athletic trainer.
- Completion of the following courses with only one "C" allowed among the pre-requisite courses and GPA of 2.75 or above:
- KINE 1141 Basic Techniques in Athletic Training I - Introduction to AT (includes clinical observation hours)
- KINE 1142 Basic Techniques in Athletic Training II - Taping & Bracing (includes clinical observation hours)
- KINE 1306 First Aid & Safety
- KINE 2302 General Medical Conditions
- BIOL 1421 and BIOL 1422 Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology I and II
The Athletic Training Program's admission process is competitive in nature, with only a limited number of candidates being officially admitted each year. The deadline for admission to the program is March 15th of each year. All general education requirements are offered at ETBU or may be transferred from another college or university. Courses within the major must be taken at ETBU. Transfer students will be evaluated on an individual basis in reference to the major courses. The profession of athletic training is physically as well as emotionally demanding. Students seeking a degree in athletic training must have certain abilities and skills relevant to the profession. Reasonable accommodations will be made for disabilities; however, athletic training students are expected to perform in a reasonably independent manner. Athletic training students will be expected to perform clinical proficiency skills in a laboratory setting as well as real-life situations.
This information can also be found in the ATP Policy and Procedure Handbook as well as the university catalog.
Athletic Training Program Fee $110.00
The Athletic Training Program charges an annual fee to all program students. The purpose of the fee is to provide Athletic Training Students membership in professional organizations, and access to education resources.
- Mission and Goals
Mission Statement The ETBU Athletic Training Program, inline with the mission of the university, strives to provide an academic and clinical education that encourages students to reach their highest potential in a Christian atmosphere. The program provides opportunities for students to apply intellectual growth, social consciousness, personal wellness and Christian character to the profession of Athletic Training. This Christian setting encourages students to develop their athletic training competencies and proficiencies which allow them to meet the demands of an ever changing, dynamic profession.
Program Goals / Objectives
- To provide a Christian atmosphere that fosters intellectual, social and spiritual growth.
- To provide highly educated and motivated instructors that encourage athletic training students to reach higher educational standards.
- To provide facilities and equipment that will allow athletic training students the benefit of working, learning and preparing for the athletic training profession.
- To provide athletic training students with exposure to various healthcare environments in which to observe and learn the technical skills involved in the profession of athletic training.
- To promote the development of competent entry-level athletic training professionals.
- Policies
There are a few important policies to become familiar with if you are in or plan to be in the Athletic Training Program.
The following are minimum criterion required to be eligible for scholarships:
Minimum Cumulative GPA 2.75 or above for students officially admitted into the ATP
Meeting the criteria does not guarantee a scholarship award. The amount gifted will be determined based on GPA, clinical experiences, time in the program, leadership, technical skills, work-ethic both in the classroom and the athletic training room, as well as the number of students qualifying.Retention and Progression Policy
Students must earn a minimum of a "C" in all courses within the Major and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75 in all courses. Students will also undergo a written performance evaluation at the end of each semester. These evaluations are intended to be a positive experience to show the student athletic trainer areas needing improvement such as attitude, communication skills, and clinical skills. The student will also be required to earn 180 clinical hours during each given semester.
Failure to maintain acceptable academic standards as listed above will result in the student being placed on probationary status for 1 semester. If the student shows a lack of academic progress, has not achieved an acceptable GPA (2.75 Cumulative minimum), or fails to meet the minimum clinical hour requirement by the end of the probationary semester the student may be dismissed from the ATP. Once academic standards have been meet the student may apply for readmission to the program.
Dismissal Policy
Athletic training students will be allowed to repeat only one of the courses in the major in which they score below a grade of "C". Students may repeat the course in question the next time the course is offered, however, will not be allowed to take any other courses required in the major until the repeated course is satisfactorily completed. Dismissal from the program does not constitute dismissal from the University. The ATP reserves the right to dismiss any student whose behavior is deemed threatening to the welfare of any individual, is unsafe in any manner, who engages in unprofessional conduct, or does not maintain academic standards.
Students who have been dismissed from the program will be given the opportunity to petition the Program Faculty for readmission to the program. In order to petition, the student must submit to the program director a formal letter indicating intent to seek readmission. The student will be required to submit an essay outlining the reasons the student should be considered for readmission as well as a complete re-entry interview with the ATP Committee. Students may petition for readmission to the program only once.
- Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is there a deadline for making application to the program?
Yes. Applications should be received no later than Feb. 15th of each year. Exceptions to this deadline have been made in the past when extenuating circumstances existed. If this is the case, students are strongly encouraged to contact the Program Director as soon as possible. Students are encouraged to look at the Admission and Program Requirements.2. How many students are accepted into the program each year?
The number of open positions varies year to year depending on the number of students that graduate, do not meet all admissions requirements, etc. Students are encouraged to look at the Admissions Criteria Checklist for a complete listing of application requirements.3. If all open positions are currently filled, can I still apply to be in the program?
Yes. Because students are not officially admitted into the program until the end of their Freshman year, there is always the possibility that someone will not meet all admission requirements, thus opening positions for other students.4. Are transfer students allowed to make application to the program?
Yes. Students may transfer any General Education Requirements. Courses within the major, however, must be approved by the Program Director. Transfer students are required to complete a Transfer Course Requirement form for each course listed in the major they wish to transfer. This form should be included in all application materials sent to the Program Director. Acceptance by the registrar for transfer credit does not mean that a course will be accepted by the Program Director. In some cases, students are required to repeat a course in order to ensure that all competencies / proficiencies within the course are met.5. Are scholarships available for athletic training students?
Yes. Students must meet several criteria, as outline in the ATP Scholarship Policy, prior to being awarded scholarship monies from the program. All students meeting the criteria (including first-time Freshman) are awarded money. The amount awarded varies by student, but most awards will help to cover the cost of textbooks. Students are also strongly encouraged to contact the Office of Financial Aid for information on other scholarships, grants, etc., available from other sources.6. Do I need previous athletic training experience to be in the program?
No. However, previous experience is beneficial for the student during the application process.7. How long does it take to complete the program?
The Athletic Training Program at ETBU is an eight (8) semester program. In order to complete all curriculum and clinical experience requirements, all students (including transfer students) should expect to dedicate a full four years to the process.8. If I am accepted into the program, will I be allowed to have an off-campus job to help with financial responsibilities if needed?
Yes, with the understanding that any off-campus employment must not interfere with the students' required course work or clinical experiences. It is often very difficult for a student to accomplish this. Students are also required to meet with the Program Director prior to accepting any employment position.9. Are the students in the program expected to purchase their own uniforms?
The program at ETBU provides students with uniforms for practices (T-Shirts) and competitions (Polo Shirts). If the ATEP budget allows, students may also receive sweatshirts and on occasion, running suits. Students must provide their own shorts for practices and khaki shorts and pants for competitions.10. Can I be an athletic training student and an intercollegiate athlete at the same time?
Yes, however, both activities require extra time from the student and often student athletes have a difficult time gaining the required clinical experience hours required in conjunction with the Practicum in Athletic Training courses. Students who choose to follow this route must be very meticulous with their time management skills.11. How many hours per week will I work in conjunction with the clinical experiences?
Athletic training students admitted into the program generally average 15-20 hours per week in clinical experiences. These hours include duties in the athletic training facilities, coverage at practices and competitions, and depending on the students' assigned rotation, time at an affiliated setting off-campus. Also, there are many week-end and holiday activities that students are expected to participate in.12. Will I be required to work all practices and competitions?
Students are expected to participate in all athletic training facility duties, and practices and competitions within their clinical rotation. Students may also be asked help in other supervised rotations in the event the sport within their assigned rotation is out of town or not practicing for whatever reason.13. Are athletic training students allowed to travel with the various teams?
Yes, depending on the students' level of maturity, skill and clinical rotation assignment. Students who are allowed to travel unsupervised do so voluntarily and with the understanding that they are acting as First Responders only.14. What exactly is a clinical rotation?
A clinical rotation is an area of potential learning for the students. These rotations are divided into several areas: a) Equipment Intensive, b) Upper Extremity, c) Lower Extremity, d) Gender specific, and e) General Medical. Sports or affiliated sites that fall under these categories are those the student will be working with. During these clinical rotations, students are provided with opportunities to learn and master specific proficiencies (skills) under the supervision of a certified athletic trainer.15. Are athletic training students expected to be members of professional organizations?
No, however, this is strongly encouraged. Being a member of a professional organization or a student organization can be a valuable asset for the student. Many organizations offer not only contact with other professionals and students, but very often have scholarships available to member students. It is an opportunity for students to learn from others in the profession. Students are also encouraged to attend professional and student meetings as often as possible.