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Life on the Hill

Spring 2025 Chapel

A blue mailbox on a background of yellow, red, and light blue with the text "THE LETTERS: LIFE LESSONS FROM THE APOSTLES."

The Letters: Life Lessons from the Apostles

Much of the story of the earliest days of church history are recorded in the Book of Acts. As we read, we see the Apostles gathering for prayer, expectant about the coming of the Holy Spirit and the ministry of the church that will soon follow (Acts 1:8, 14). Then, on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit comes to indwell each believer to fulfill the work of the Great Commission (Mt 28:18-20; Acts 1:8, 2:4). In the remainder of the Book of Acts we read about the growth of the church, the struggles they faced, and ultimately about our God who reconciles common people to Himself, transforms them by the Holy Spirit, and uses them to carry out His mission.    

Parallel to the time period recorded in the Book of Acts, many of the Apostles began their writing ministries. Scripture teaches that these were not ordinary Letters, but as instruments of the Holy Spirit, God spoke through the Apostles to guide them as they wrote theses powerful Letters to instruct, encourage, and correct the churches (2 Tm 3:16).

Today, our moment seems distant from the events of the early church, but in many ways, we face a lot of the same struggles and temptations that the early church faced. In Chapel this Semester, we will be examining The Letters and the Life Lessons that the Apostles addressed.  

  1. January 13: Romans
  2. January 15: 1 Corinthians
  3. January 20: MLK Day, No Chapel Service
  4. January 22: 2 Corinthians
  5. January 27: Spiritual Renewal
  6. January 29: Spiritual Renewal
  7. February 3: Galatians
  8. February 5: Ephesians
  9. February 10: Philippians
  10. February 12: Colossians
  11. February 17: 1 Thessalonians
  12. February 19: 2 Thessalonians
  13. February 24: 1 Timothy
  14. February 26: 2 Timothy
  15. March 3: Calling Conference
  16. March 5: Titus
  17. March 10 & 12: Spring Break, No Chapel Service
  18. March 17: Philemon
  19. March 19: Hebrews
  20. March 24: Women’s Summit
  21. March 26: James
  22. March 31: 1 Peter
  23. April 2: 2 Peter
  24. April 7: Special Event Chapel
  25. April 9: 1 John
  26. April 14: 2 John
  27. April 16: 3 John
  28. April 21: Easter Holiday, No Chapel Service
  29. April 23: Special Event Chapel
  30. April 28: Jude
  31. April 30: Special Event Chapel
Name/Title Division Phone
Dr. David Griffin
Director, Spiritual Life
Director, Baptist Student Ministry (BSM)
Student Engagement 903.923.2178 Send Message View Bio