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Box Office Faculty Staff Complimentary Ticket

Tickets will be available at the ETBU faculty/staff/student “Will Call” desk 45 minutes prior to curtain. Please be sure to pick up your reserved ticket before 6:45 for the 7:00 shows and 2:15 for the 2:30 matinees. You must show your ETBU ID when you pick up your ticket(s). Any reserved tickets not picked up 5 minutes before the show will be sold to customers on that night’s waiting list.

In case of a full house, any ETBU faculty, staff, or student who reserves a ticket and does not show up on the reserved date may be charged the $10 Admission Fee.

Faculty, staff and students may reserve one complimentary ticket per ETBU ID.

Still wanting to purchase tickets for a certain night? There will be a very limited number of tickets available at the door for each show. Tickets will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. Once those tickets are sold, you can add your name to our Stand-by list at the ticket counter. Please see our Stand-by Ticket Policy below for further details.

This number should include your complimentary ticket as well. Faculty, staff and students may reserve one complimentary ticket per ETBU ID. Additional tickets reserved with your complimentary ticket will be paid for and picked up at the ETBU faculty, staff, student "Will Call" desk.