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Accommodation Application and Consent Form

Student Contact Information
Accommodation(s) Requested
The student will be given extended time (up to 1.5x scheduled time) to complete examinations, including online exams.
The student will be allowed to take examinations (tests) in a different location from the classroom in a quiet setting.
The student will be provided oral examinations, as needed.
The student will be allowed to arrange for a copy of notes from peers and/or professors.
The student will be allowed to request preferential seating.
The student is allowed to use a laptop in class for taking notes or to utilize grammar/spell check on in-class assignments.

I understand that by signing this form, I am giving the Student Accommodations Committee of East Texas Baptist University consent to consider my accommodation request and discuss my documentation. In addition, if I am granted accommodations, I give the ETBU Student Accommodation Committee permission to notify relevant faculty or staff of my approved accommodations.

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