Academic School Template
University templates are available for schools, departments, programs, centers, administrative offices and other university entities. This main academic template, developed in 2018, provides global consistency to the academic university site. It is used primarily for way-finding to all of ETBU's academic sites. Each academic office has been created using this template, and should be consistent throughout the site.

Basic Page Templates and Design
'Basic' Page Content will follow accessibility standards. Use headers in a graduated fashion without bold or italics. Make sure all tables are built using the Drupal table module. Any specialized design will need to be approved through marketing. Christ-centered, quality content that reflects the mission of ETBU is the goal. Photos, throughout all pages, that do not reflect the professionalism on the homepage will not be approved for the site.
Directory and Individual Listings
Each office or department will have a 'Contact Information' accordion which will list the contact in a standard format. Each name should be linked to the full time faculty member's biography in the faculty/staff directory. There should not be individuals pictured per each department. Instead, link your information in the Contact Information accordion the contact page in the Faculty Directory. Only full time employees will be listed on the directory.
Color Palette and Typography